Malala Yousafzai’s diary

malalaHey folks,

today we want to share a very touching article about one young woman’s struggle to get an education in Pakistan. After being shot by a Taliban and thanks to a teacher who started spreading her words, she became a hero for many girls like her.

For many in Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai, the schoolgirl who was shot in the head by the Taliban, is a symbol of resilience and courage in her fight for the right of young girls to receive an education. For hardline right-wing groups and conspiracy theorists, she is a controversial figure accused of being a “CIA agent” and having staged the attack on herself.

But for young Pashtun girls in Karachi, Malala’s struggle to get an education in the Swat region amid an insurgency is an inspiration. This part of Malala’s life – documented in a diary published by the BBC – has encouraged many of them to start writing and sharing their own dreams of staying in school.

After the Pakistani Taliban attempted to assassinate Malala last October, a young teacher with the Teach for Pakistan program started reading Malala’s diary to her 13-year-old pupils at a government-run secondary school in Karachi.

Click on this link to read the full story of Mandala and her diary.

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